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Beastmen are shape shifters, able to transform at will from the form of Humans to that of an animal, gaining special abilities when in animal form. The three kinds of Beastmen to choose from are Crow, Grey Wolf and Water Snake. While in animal form they can communicate with any animal, though are unable to speak or understand any other language.

As animals, they are indistinguishable from the real thing, though any scars they gain will remain in either form. When in human form, tell-tale signs are apparent to the keen-eyed: a sharp beak-like nose, overly curved, and sharp canines, or a wild mane of grey hair may give them away. Feared by some primitive, ignorant folk as a cursed people, they often hide their identities when travelling in unknown lands, and will go to great lengths to conceal such signs.

Grey wolf beastwoman jpeg.png


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