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Shades are, for the most part, outlaws, with few qualms about how they attain their wealth. These rogues can earn their coin in all forms of hustling and crime, from wheeling and dealing and picking pockets, up to pulling off valuable heists, extortion or even paid murder. They have unique and useful skills, and can prove invaluable in many tough situations..

Epic sagas are not written of Shades. Their deeds, however impressive, rarely grace the minstrel’s lips. The true identities of the elite of the Profession are shrouded in mystery, but the influence they can wield is second to none. These secretive individuals perpetrate dark and daring deeds, and immense wealth and power can be amassed even through a life spent in the shadows.

In the urban sprawl of the cities across the lands, underhand deals and nefarious acts pass unnoticed amongst the throng of daily life. Behind these seemingly unconnected, illicit deeds, crime lords run the streets through their underworld organisations. From low beginnings of hustling on street corners, the Shade can climb the criminal ranks until a whole neighbour­hood – or more – is under their control. Those ruthless and clever enough can take control of whole cities, and even turn their attention to world affairs.

The lawless wilds are an irresistible challenge to some Shades, with the promise of forgotten treasures hidden deep in dusty tombs, temples and catacombs about the lands. Such spoils are rarely entirely unprotected, but the Shade is skilled at liberating such booty.

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