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The history of the world is written in blood, its author the Warrior. Whether their reasons are noble or nefarious, they undeniably bring change to the world with their skill at arms.

Warriors are students of the art of combat. Trained in any number of martial forms and equipped with all the gear of battle, the Warrior can be a formidable foe or a worthy ally. Many seek fortune or dominion, cutting a bloody swathe as they plunder lands and wealth from the vanquished. Throughout history, huge empires, vast armies, countless treasures and immense power has been amassed this way.

Some only take up arms for self-defence, to protect the people, places, or ideals they hold dear, striving to become stronger if only to shield others from the dangers of the world. Others wish to become legends in their own right, shunning titles and land, and instead seeking epic deeds that will ensure they are remembered as one of the greatest Warriors of all time. They wander, driven by the desire to accomplish great feats, be it slaying mythical beasts, duelling other famous Warriors or scouring ancient ruins for forgotten arcane weapons and other riches.

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